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COE is extended

執筆者の写真: Daichi ItoDaichi Ito

Immigration Services Agency announced the new measure about validation of Certificate of Eligibility (COE) which is used to apply for entity VISA for middle-long term residential status in Japan. This certificate generally valid for 3 months from the date of issuing from an Immigration Bureau. But Since there is entry restriction to Japan which has been implemented as counter Covid-19 measure since February 2020, the Immigration authority extended validation period of Certificates of Eligibility which were already issued.

But since the situation has been continued for a year and there is outbreak of mutation of Covid-19, the government decided to implement the new measures which extend validation period of COE. Here is the detail of the measure.

COE from 2019/10/1~12/31

If you have COEs which were issued from 2019/10/1~12/31, your COE will be valid until 2021/4/30

COE from 2020/1/1~2021/1/30

If you have COEs which were issued from 2020/1/1~2021/1/30, your COE will be valid until 2021/7/31.

COE from 2021/1/31

If your COEs received after from 2021/1/31 to present, your COEs will be valid for 6 months from the date of issuing.

Since the new entry restriction was implemented, the new measure was implemented. There is the possibility that the Immigration Services Agency will implement another measure because of change of situation. So, it is important to get updated information frequently.

Daichi Ito

Immigration Law Practitioner (Gyoseishoshi)


After graduating the Faculty of Law of Hosei University in Tokyo, Daichi Ito stated Kamakura International Legal Service(行政書士鎌倉国際法務事務所) and specialize in Immigration procedures and naturalization. Now He mainly handle PR application for various clients from highly skilled professionals to spouse VISA holders.

Office Address: 124 Zyuniso, Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa-ken

Office Hour; 9:00~17:00 Monday-Friday






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