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New Immigration measure for people who can't go back to their counties

執筆者の写真: Daichi ItoDaichi Ito

 Now Coronavirus hit the world. There is no place which is not affected by the virus. Some countries actually close their border to avoid widespread of the COVID-19, stopping railway, traffic and airplanes.

So, there is the problem for foreign citizens in Japan whose VISA status will expire soon and has plan to go back to their country. Since there is no airplane available for them to return home.

The Immigration Service Agency in Japan released new guideline for such foreign citizens who has no way to return their countries.

Check this webpage (Immigration Service Agency)

1. Temporary VISA holders

They are admitted to apply for extension of the VISA

2. Technical Intern and Designated Activities (Foreign Construction Workers or Foreign Shipbuilding Workers)”

The unique point for them is that there are 2 options about their VISA status after the expiration dates. If they wish to work, they could apply for Designated Activity and even get work permission.

On the other hands, the VISA holders who do not want to work after the expiration dates, they have to apply for Temporary Visitor VISA (30 days).

3.Other VISA holders

They are allowed to apply for Change of Qualification to Temporary Visitor (30 Days).

These are temporary measures by the Immigration Agency. There is possibility for them to introduce another measure regarding COVID-19.

Kamakura International Legal Service(行政書士鎌倉国際法務事務所)

124 Zyuniso, Kamakura-shi,Kanagawa-ken

Daichi Ito

Immigration Lawyer(Gyoseishoshi)



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